A Few Debate Question that I Doubt will be Asked

Because we can’t handle the truth

1 min readJun 22, 2024
Photo by Geron Dison on Unsplash

Mr. Biden. Poles show that the public overwhelmingly does not want the choice they are being offered in November. How can we fix that?

Mr. Trump. You and your supporters claim that the Department of Justice has been weaponized. Is that a bad thing? If it is, will you make it your business to restore the Department’s independence?

Mr. Biden. Is your apparent difficulty walking and talking the result of Jim Clyburn’s dick being stuck in one of your orifices? Would you be running this year if identity politics hadn’t saddled you with a non-viable successor as your 2020 running mate?

Mr. Trump. My wife uses an electric vacuum cleaner called a “shark.” Should I beat her until she stops risking our lives?

Mr. Biden: What should the Senate do about the filibuster rule? Why have you not demanded that Chuck Schumer do it now? Are you still just a senator in your head?

Mr. Trump: Can you spell “filibuster”?

Mr. Biden. Over here, Mr. President.

Mr. Trump. What part of “Your mic has been muted” do you not understand?

A girl can dream, right?

