"... about 32% of white students at Harvard are unqualified. "
But you have shown that Whiteness is not the reason for the preference. Athletes are recruited because they are athletes. Why not title your article "End Affirmative Action for Athletes?" Ans: Because many of the Black students are recruited as athletes, too (and not through race-based affirmative action).
Legacies? Yes, that perpetuates discrimination, but it's not clear that the 75% "unqualified" figure applies equally to legacies and athletes. I remember the night in 1962 when Wilt Chamberlain and I combined for 100 points against the Knicks. If you don't show the figure for legacies, you can't really make much of their preference. (My experience is that legacy isn't worth much, per se. Substantial contributions by alumni are probably worth more.)
That leaves donors, the people whose money makes scholarships for poor students possible. Letting their kids in seems a small price to pay for their dough.
In short, the figures don't really make much of a case for White preference based on race. The Asian admit rate probably reflects affirmative action for EVERYONE who isn't Asian in order to make the class "look like America." Cherry-picking among the beneficiaries is not really warranted.