After reading the comment and mulling it over, I blocked the writer.
Why? Because we were too far apart in our thinking, and because it’s a waste of time explaining to others what they’re not willing to see.
Why should your disagreement, however strong and righteous, deprive your readers of another's (presumably civil) comments? I rarely post comments with only the author as my target. I often want to present the other side to the author's readers. If you want to block me because you don't want my toxic ideas to have a platform, and you believe that your readers would not benefit from actually seeing those views expressed (as opposed to your merely telling them that some people hold them) and/or from your reasoned rebuttal of them, block away. But to deprive you readers of my comments just because you don't think you can straighten me out seems a tad petulant.
So, let's get to your notion of what makes a conservative:
Conservatives in the U.S. want control. They want power. They want others to conform to their way of thinking — or if they can’t have that, then to their way of acting. They want to be able to legally bully minorities. They want to force LGTBQ+ people back into their closets and women back into their kitchens. They want to deny the history and truth of huge swaths of humans who have suffered unspeakable horrors at the hands of other conservatives.
So if I merely believe that abortion is wrong, that sexual/gender specialization is a better cultural strategy than its opposite, but also that the law should say nothing about these things and that people who choose to live otherwise are not ipso facto evil, am I a "conservative"? If I hold all of the hateful views you list except that I have no negative views regarding atypical sexuality, am I a conservative? If I think Trump is a Nazi but that Hillary cared too much about oppressed classes and not enough about white male workers, am I a conservative? I think I am. If you think otherwise, we disagree on your use of the word. And I think you're just too lazy to find the right one, because you don't care whom you tar with your self-righteous brush. In other words, you are a callous bully. See how that works?