Amen. This is really a disaster. 300,000,000 of us, and these are the candidates? Hard to think of better evidence that the electoral parts of our Constitution don't work anymore.
Biden made a Faustian bargain with the over-reaching Jim Clyburn. His running mate should have been a White Christian with support in labor. He should have appointed Justice Jackson without promising to fish for a justice in the smallest, affirmative action pool he could find. And if he wanted to demote Iowa, the rust belt is full of states that would be happy to hold the first primary. Instead, he is visibly beholden to black power brokers, and it should come as no shock that white voters feel in their guts that he is not their guy.
The man is too old, and he needs to find a way to unburden himself of Kamala Harris. That's what political parties used to be for. Their job was to tell Ms. Harris that she is a drag on the ticket, and she should find an excuse to not want to be Vice President. Maybe Biden could put her on the Ninth Circuit bench. Maybe he should have appointed her to the Supreme Court. She's probably not qualified for that job either, but nothing's perfect.
I think Biden/Harris beats Trump/Whoever, but I'm not sure they beat anyone else. Hoping the Republicans remain deplorably stupid long enough to nominate Trump is no fun. But it's all we've got.