2 min readDec 24, 2019


To his critics, going to work at McKinsey at all says something about what the mayor values.

And what does running for Mayor of South Bend say?

This piece is built on the hard work of brilliant journalists.

If they do say so themselves.

Great mudslinging hit piece.

I’m inclined to agree that Pete is not ready. But the rest? That’s just guilt-by-association bullshit, identity-politics bullshit, and purity-test bullshit.

Pete’s in this race because the Democratic party has no brains. The best candidates get no traction at all. Why can’t Michael Bennet get traction? He’s not unqualified. Why did Bullock fail? He’s not unqualified. You can’t blame Pete for Cory Booker’s lack of draw. You have to blame Booker or the Democratic electorate.

I would vote for any of the current Dems over Trump, but I would vote for Bill Weld over most of the current Dems. Of the candidates still getting serious attention, I see a Biden/Klobuchar ticket emerging. Pete will fall by the wayside. But when he is ready, the authors of this hit piece will have only themselves to blame if it is used against him.

I get it. These “brilliant journalists” are self-styled “progressives” — i.e., liberals ducking the label — who want substantive change this cycle. But they are as short-sighted as the Trump voters who think we can Make America Great Again by electing an asshole as president. Sadly, the Dems should have the one goal this cycle that Mitch had in 2008, to make the incumbent a one-term president. That’s what’s so damnable about our politics. When a turd like McConnell makes defeating a decent man his highest priority, we end up with a slug like Trump, whose defeat must be the highest priority of every patriotic American. You don’t have to be a centrist to recognize that this time demands a centrist.

This article helps Trump. Brilliant journalists my ass.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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