First of all, "liberal" is no longer what liberals call themselves. They are "progressives," and you can surely find tons of articles on the alleged difference.
I’m child-free by choice.
Is anyone "child-free" other than by choice? Many are childless, either through infertility or calamity. You mock them with the pretense that anyone would consider themselves "free" of children. (If you are lucky to live long enough, you WILL regret being childless. Just be patient.)
You left 2S out of your LGBTQIA thing.
The critic who says the major feminist gains benefit cis-het, white, middle-class women is correct. If that were not the case, the political resistance would have been much greater. That brand of feminism was the Great White Hope. Tom Sawyer convinced Becky Thatcher that whitewashing fences is fun, and the money rolled in. What, did you think only MAGA world is so easily fooled? Don't you remember the Enjoli Woman? That's who this critic is talking about. She is right in her diagnosis. Whether she has a viable cure is another matter.
You are seeking to rearrange the deck-chairs on a sinking pseudophilosophy. Being "woke" other than as a motivator to self-improvement, is a losing cause. The question is not what it "means" to be woke, but what conduct does being woke lead to that not being woke would not have led to. As far as I can see, wokeness is an excuse for totalitarian scolding, for labeling everything anyone has ever done "problematic," as if there is nothing worse to be. The presentism would be astonishing if its practitioners weren't so obviously knaves (the BLM crew) or fools (that lady at Stanford).
If the club won't have you, consider yourself woke-free.