"Aspire to be an entertainer as your likely sole viable path to success so you can leave the 'hood and maybe even live to be 40" isn't at all the practical, inspiring piece of life advice you seem to think it is.
Celebrities don't have to say "Be like me." They need to say "If you do well in high school, there's a college scholarship waiting for you." Not singing, not dancing, and not basketball. Just being good citizens.
Do YOU know how many Black celebrities have or have not spoken out on the issue of Black-on-Black crime? If not, you have no more basis to deny that too many are MIA than I have for saying the opposite. Claim the burden of proof if you want; it won't change the facts. My opinion is that too many are silent. What's yours?
The "Black-on-Black" crime argument is "tired" because pushing a stone up the hill only to watch it roll down again is exhausting. Hope springs eternal..