Attacking Republicans' lack of decency is like shooting fish in a barrel. Why bother? Of course they are cynical turds, and any similarity of their utterances to the truth is purely coincidental. I do agree, though that their bill is as intrusive as the Dems' bill, and one really can't help chortling over that steaming pile of bullshit.
That said, there are some aspects of the Republican bill that are less stupid than others. I don't know why, in the electronic age, where one can download one's proof of citizenship - i.e., it can't be "stolen" from you - one cannot be required to present such an ID where knowing who you are serves a public purpose. When you vote under existing rules, the authorities record that fact so that you can't vote twice. So there is nothing secret about the fact that you voted.
Nothing in the Republican bill's SSN matching process would enable anyone to determine for whom a voter voted. The SSN would be checked outside the booth or on an envelope accompanying a mail-in ballot. Undoubtedly, the bill would hurt people who don't get SSNs, but it's not clear why the franchise should not be denied to someone who does not join the national social security program.
The most useful part of the Republican bill - something that points to the dishonesty and corruption of Democrats who oppose it, relates to mail-in voting. The dynamic of mail-in voting is troubling. The system hasn't been gamed because unsolicited or even universally available mail-in voting hasn't been around long enough to corrupt. Liberals, who are notoriously good at misreading statistics to say "so far, so good," as if that mattered, do not want to understand how easy it is for organized thuggery to take over the mail-in voting process if anyone can get a ballot or, worse, everyone does get a ballot. What does the citizen do when the local boss's henchmen show up offering to "assist" the voter in filling out his ballot and turning it in?
Barring a pandemic, absentee voting should not be allowed. In-person SECRET voting should be made easier - that's how we know the Republicans don't really give a crap about democracy - but mail-in voting should be like abortion - save, legal, and rare.