Back at you. Why don't YOU try to understand Trump supporters? They are afraid that being white or male won't be the cool thing it once was, so they voted for a white male. Everything else is just confirmation bias in support of their self-esteem and material advantages.
It's as easy to believe Trump set our Afghanistan withdrawal up to fail or that his tax cuts caused the inflation, or that the inflation was an inevitable consequence of his botching the pandemic response, or was nobody's fault as it is to believe that any of it was Biden's fault, much less Harris's. Yet Trump supporters believe it's all Joe's fault because they WANT to believe it was his fault so they could vote their genes.
If you think understanding Trump voters is important - as I do - you will ask yourself why you believe Biden's administration wasn't a good one or that Harris's would have been one. I'm not asking what bad things happened on his watch. I'm asking why you think he, and not Trump and a feckless Congress obstructed by Republicans, are to blame.