The BLM movement will be seen by historians as the right side of history in the same way that the Civil Rights movement is.
Black lives matter. But Black Lives Matter is an organization of self-proclaimed Marxists, promoters of a prescription that history has shown to be far worse than the disease it purports to cure. The BLM movement is on the right side of history in the same way as Lenin, Stalin and Mao were. They’ve substituted Black people for workers and pulled themselves out of the dustbin all dusted off.
History does not have sides. It has ebbs and flows. The racist American Right has provided cover for the totalitarian American Left. The former are hateful and the latter are dangerous. No one who values the opportunities that Black Americans seek should take BLM seriously. Black lives matter too much to let BLM plot their future.
That is undeniable. There are no good arguments against it. Period.
Thanks for clearing that up. Doubt is for wimps. An open mind requires so much more maintenance than a closed one.