But we aren't talking about your rights to politically tell somebody else how to live their lives in a matter which does not and will never affect you personally.
Who, me? I'm POLITICALLY pro-choice. It's the GOVERNMENT that's trying to tell somebody how to live, and so the question is the government's power to do that in this regard. That's why we do politics.
Am I agreeing with Kavanaugh? Beats me. Maybe, on this issue. But that doesn't mean that either of us would have felt the same way, or agreed, about slavery. All concepts have boundaries, and we may believe that abortion falls on a different side of the "liberty" boundary from chattel slavery. Is the military draft unconstitutional? If the government can order me to fight and die, why can't it order you to carry a baby to term? The draft was ended through politics, mistakenly in my view, but that's as may be. The decision was political, not Constitutional.
I believe that Congress has power under the Fourteenth Amendment to legislate Roe. So it's not necessarily a state's rights thing. If you are going to attack Kavanaugh on legal grounds, you need to distinguish between deferring to the political branches and deferring to the states.
You say I must be a man. Do you think Justice Barrett could not have written my comment?