Jul 12, 2022


Details matter. Please substitute "make sure" for "determine whether."

Hunter jokes are very popular. Here are some punchlines:

I only have to be faster than you.

Thank you, father, for this food we are about to eat.

I don't know, but it looks like the same place as last year.

You skin this one, I'll go catch another.

Where's that woman I gotta rassle?

How many do you recognize?

A lot of jokes have become politically incorrect in the past twenty years. I wouldn't put the one in this article in that category, but others certainly would. That notion is capture by another joke:

How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?


But even that joke is obsolete. Now we'd have to substitute "Social Justice Warriors." Things change, but, as the French say, the more they do, the more they stay the same.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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