"Do you think we're free in the sense that we're morally responsible for our actions? "
That's gibberish to me. I believe that we should be HELD responsible for our actions because there is no other workable strategy for society. If I am destined to commit a crime, the judge is destined to lock me up. So be it.
My assumption is that if I don't have free will, I am predestined to act as if I do, because that is in fact how I act.
Rape and murder do not pay off in evolutionary terms. If the Prisoners' Dilemma teaches anything, it's that defection is an inferior evolutionary strategy to cooperation. Your genes do not survive if you rape a woman and her father kills you and your evil spawn. OTOH, the first humanoids probably had trouble getting laid, so I suppose rape had a role in our evolutionary success. But as a strategy, it has obsolesced, as strategies sometimes do.
Your rubber-and-glue ad hominem argument is silly. And the idea that using game theory trivializes circumstance by likening it to a pastime is semantic nonsense. You can do better, I hope.