Please introduce me to these women.
Go to a Trump rally. They’re all over the place.
As a woman who has worked with hundreds of women around this topic,
How many of those women were already at work? If you take a phone survey, you will discover to your apparent surprise that nearly 100% of the people you call have telephones.
I’d love to see where that statistic is pulled from,
If I sent you a picture of where you obviously think this statistic is “pulled from,” you’d probably have me arrested. But there really is (are?) data. I tend not to trust self-description with regard to PC topics, but let’s take this survey at face value. Lest you get too excited about the headline, here is the excerpt that actually matters:
By 50% to 34%, mothers of children under 18 years of age are more likely than those with no children under 18 to prefer to stay at home and take care of the house and family.
Such polls are notoriously unreliable — think of the polls right before the 2016 election — but, as you can see, the number of women who would rather rear their own children is not so small as to warrant a “Please introduce me to these women.”