Feb 21, 2021


Golda Meir is credited, perhaps apocryphally, with saying "We can forgive you for killing our children, but we cannot forgive you for making us kill yours." If bad people make you so resentful that you can't at least remain silent when one of them dies, they have sullied your character unforgivably. Not celebrating Limbaugh's death says that he hasn't changed you; it's part of living well as the best revenge.

Rush Limbaugh was an enemy. But the fiction that most of our political opponents (there were 75 million or so of them in November) are merely benighted is essential to preservation of the union. If our government isn't civil, it won't survive. That may not bother leftists, but they, too, are benighted souls who may someday see the light. (See how easy that is?)




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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