Good work!
The Orwell reference is particularly apt, because one can sense the totalitarian nature of the identitarian left. These people come from the "every last vestige" school of political action, maybe because if they ever got merely "enough," they'd be out of work and/or out of opportunities to signal their virtue while making no real contribution to a better world.
Lawyers understand the difference between a duty to do no harm and a duty to rescue. Most places do not impose a general duty to rescue, because such a duty would be open-ended. Someone always needs rescuing, and who are we to say we have bigger fish to fry? Yet the activists loosely labeled, in the right's own bit of rhetorical manipulation, the "woke mob" insist that we who are not part of the solution are part of the problem, i.e., we have a duty to rescue, but, of course, in a way that does not mark us as White Saviors. . Thing is, we do indeed have bigger fish to fry, such as doing our jobs without also worrying about pronouns in order to keep our jobs. .