He then says that what Marx and Engels did not foresee was that capitalist countries would themselves be influenced by Marxism, and “the fear of communism forced capitalist regimes to embrace pension schemes, national health services, even the idea of making the rich pay for the poor and petit bourgeois students to attend purpose-built liberal universities.
This captures perfectly the way hatred blinds Marxists. Here's my version:
What Marx and Engels did not foresee was the combination of Fordism and universal suffrage, that capitalist countries would become sufficiently democratic, and the workers such good customers, that they would legislate anti-trust laws, wage-and-hour laws, collective bargaining law, national health services, and support for the rich paying for the poor and petit bourgeois students to attend universities.
The proletariat didn't need a dictatorship; they just needed a seat at the table. Marx didn't believe they would ever get one. From that bad seed, all of his other errors grow. (What would any of us advocate if we believed politics would never get us justice? How much misery in the world today comes from that belief?)