I agree completely that "white privilege" is a tactical error. But where does that leave the Black activist? White people have already pretty much gotten out of the way. Affirmative action is a thing. Scholarships are available. DEI is all over the employment landscape. And cash reparations (as distinguished from scholarships) are not going to happen.
So what's left (no pun intended)? Only two choices: make Whitey work harder - the "allyship" silliness that demands White people rescue Black people without being White Saviors (good luck threading that Kafkaesque needle) - and the awful alternative of addressing the defeatist Black subculture. All of the explanations for dysfunction in the ghetto are largely historical. When a Black kid couldn't get a scholarship to college or an entry level job at a bank, there wasn't much point in most Black kids trying to excel in high school. Those opportunities now exist, but too many Black kids don't see them and have not been reared to pursue them. It's catch-up time, and Black activists should be working on that part of the advancement equation.
But leftists, as leftists, are all about how bad the oppressor is, so they cannot constitutionally make the mental switch from "it's their fault" to "it's our problem." More Black people need to become capitalists in their own neighborhoods, but they lack the economic and personal capital, and a customer base friendly to capital enterprises (i.e., safe neighborhoods). These thoughts don't occur to leftists because, as leftists, they don't believe in entrepreneurship. So what's a leftist to do but assail "White privilege"?