I am having a hard time finding the alleged middle in this essay. As described here, CRT is tunnel-vision, single-issue grievance. Some of our institutions oppress POC, and some don't. The Bill of Rights does not oppress anyone. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Nineteenth Amendments do not oppress anyone.
I found it odd that Mr, Hasley quotes the source for the definition of CRT but quotes a critic for a definition of LRT. Can we say, then, that this essay was "designed to oppress" LRT believers? It's all too facile.
For me, the "middle" would involve teaching how racism infuses American life, not how American life is DESIGNED in every detail to oppress. I have no problem with the idea that our institutions should be viewed through the lens of race. You can find me on record as calling Second Wave feminism "The Great White Hope." I take CRT seriously as a way to explore an issue, but not as a Grand Theory of Everything. I would call that the "middle."