I am saying that White feminism met less resistance from White men than it might otherwise have met (as, say Afghan feminism has met from Afghan men), because White feminism is consistent with White supremacy. Lots of things are "responsible" for the oppression of colored people. The kind of White feminism about which Black feminists complain plays a part in supporting the enterprise.
From inside the Black community, I suspect that White feminism has come to be seen as simply how the White army best deploys its troops. It's fine that White women don't see it that way, most of us don't realize the extent to which we are pawns in a larger game, even a game in which the hive-mind rather than some mastermind is calling the plays. No White man is thinking "I know - I'll put my wife and daughters to work SO THAT some darkie won't challenge my racial superiority." But many White men sense less threat from White women than from
Black men and can feel in their bones that advancement is a competitive enterprise. Most would rather find a White woman than a Black man as a new peer in an expanding workforce.
To say that such druthers are "responsible for" something is a reductive view of a complex interaction. But one can see why Black women are suspicious of it.