"I don’t have kids, so..."
So you don't have to deal with a child whose self-esteem has been trashed by the association of awful deeds with people "like" him or her. The truth is unpleasant, and young minds are impressionable and not too good at nuance. The indifference to the inability of children to process awful truths is the hallmark of the movement to set the record "right." That indifference echoes the bullshit idea that segregated education can be "equal." It wasn't equal, because Black kids learned from its very existence that they were inferior. Now, White kids are learning that same thing.
CRT is the Black racist's version of "separate but equal." There is nothing inherently unequal about separate educations - there are still essentially all-Black HBCUs for those who choose to go there - but in the context of American life, "inherent" is irrelevant, because nothing exists in the "inherent" universe.
CRT, or its K-12 versions The 1619 Project and "Culturally Responsive Teaching," make White children feel "icky" the way segregation made Black kids feel "icky." Minimizing the attack on self-esteem doesn't excuse it, but it does reveal the kind of insensitivity that made "separate but equal" a thing, until it didn't.