I love these articles. It's like reading sci-fi about a place where a non-Euclidean geometry describes the real world. Because Marxism is internally consistent, all sorts of erudition - Kant's Third Critique, indeed - can seem to apply. But the problem is not inconsistency; it's unreality.
Communism is the right economic system for a different species in a different universe, one were natural selection does not apply. If we assume infinite resources, competition for air, water, land, and food all disappear. There is no such thing as "the fittest" in the Big Rock Candy Mountains. (You know, where they hung the jerk who invented work.)
Ricky Gervais captured the spirit of Communism in The Invention of Lying. If you can have a place where no one lies, you can have a place where everyone shares and no one overpopulates to the point where sharing becomes unworkable. But homo sapiens is an invasive species. Eventually, we run out of stuff, because we breed until we do. Then, we kill some people so that we can go on breeding. In some other galaxy, perhaps, some other dynamic prevails. But I doubt it.