1 min readAug 27, 2021


"I, on the other hand, don’t have a choice to not be black and not suffer from the insidious effect of racism”.

But you do have the choice to fight racism effectively, not by doing what you want to do and scolding whom you want to scold, but by figuring out what most needs to be done, which is probably not adding one more straw to the camel's back.

This whole "ally" thing is a mistake. Blanche DuBois, whose name means "white," couldn't depend on the kindness of strangers. What chance do Black people have? Civilized societies have long recognized that a "duty to rescue" is a bad idea, because it has no bottom. (See the last few paragraphs of Ms. A.'s essay.) There is always one more thing to be done to save someone from something. All over Medium, writers complain that "allies" aren't doing enough, because there is no "enough." That's where the fatigue comes in.

The disadvantages of being Black in America can end in only two ways. Either Black people will succeed in a parallel subculture, as other racial minorities have done, or the races will intermarry and the dividing line will disappear. Lots of other "solutions" are appealing, but none of them actually has a chocolate bar's chance in hell of succeeding. Some of these other ideas are good-hearted, but they are nonetheless wrong-headed. IMHO, allyship is one of those ideas.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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