Trump’s defenders are right that liberals are haunted by the outcome of the 2016 election and are determined to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
I see no sign of that. One of the leading contenders is not even a Democrat, and one is so stupid he thinks it might be a good idea to put a Republican one aged heartbeat from the Oval Office.
The party is still obsessed with the gender and color of people on its debate stage. Where’s the outrage that there is no overt defender of workers? Where’s the guy running to get rid of Right to Work laws? The Democrat party has become the party of the socially oppressed, leaving the economically oppressed to fend for themselves. Of course they go with the guy who is at least pretending to get their jobs back.
Joe Biden is the best the party can do semiotically. He, at least, has a record of caring about things Democrats traditionally care about. (My choice from those running is Sen. Klobuchar, but she fails on that most important of irrelevancies, likeability.) Biden’s not obsessed with identity politics. Nor does he hate capitalists. Sen. Warren says she’s a capitalist, and I take her at her word. She wants capitalists to innovate and take risks. She just doesn’t want them to get rich. And, like Bernie, she hates those who do. The US does not need a kvetcher in chief. (When asked to respond to the observation that she would be the oldest first-term president, she said that she would be the youngest woman president. Hoo-fucken-ray. She’s still too old.)
Trump campaigned on the notion that politicians are stupid, whereas the leftish Dems are campaigning on the notion that corporations — and white people — are evil. In a country where there are still a lot of white people, and even more people who work for corporations, and the politicians (the ones who aren’t evil) are stupid, Trump makes the more satisfying case. He is the kind of candidate only a Democrat could underperform. We have, therefore, good reason to believe he will be re-elected.