I think it gives the wrong image to say that Trump "mined" white grievance. It's more like the Democrats sowed white grievance and Trump harvested it. Much of white grievance arises from the Democrats' obsession with identitarianism, all of which is anti-white and anti-male. Ironically, the "true" left - the socialists and communists - are as angry about the party's focus on caste rather than class as anyone.
Democrats can say they are not "anti-" white, just anti- everything cis-het white Christian men stereotypically are. But that's just rhetoric. You can't swing a dead cat on Medium without reading someone assuming the worst about a straight white man and accusing said man of being something-ist solely on the basis of not being whatever-ist the writer may be. The party is perceived as anti-white because it is no longer centrally pro-labor. The party cares about the wages of minorities but not about the wages of workers per se.
The Republicans' platform, whatever Rick Scott may say, is simply to not be Democrats. The Democrats take it from there.