I think Palin is a special case in there must have been Never-Palin Republicans who would rather vote for Peltola than Palin. RCV can't fix that. That's a job for party discipline.
I disagree with your statement of the "problem." I don't want more candidates to run. That demands oo much sorting for the electorate to do. I want real party primaries to pick real party candidates. I want to fix gerrymandering so that there are more swing districts where the wackiest Trumper loses the primary because he would lose the general. But I don't want two - or three- or eight - Republican running against each other in a single election.
People underestimate the value of party done well because ours have been falling down on the job. But the last thing I want is further disintermediation, leaving the idiots who get their news from Fox and worse to choose among the unvetted turds who would present themselves without party intervention.
RCV is for the Naders and Steins. Party discipline is for the Palins. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.