Oct 17, 2020

I think you misjudge Biden's performance. You listened to the words when you should have been hearing the music.

Biden offered us ninety minutes when we could zone out and dream of tranquility. No, he's not terribly articulate, and yes, he should already be saying that he wouldn't think about packing the Court until the Court actually does something to warrant packing. But mostly, he was non-threatening. His good nature was his message. The guy is here to help most of us, not himself, whether or not he can actually do so.

My DVR let me watch both men, but I gave more time to Biden. He was better for my blood pressure. I basked in the anticipation of not being constantly pissed off. It was like watching "Dave" or "The American President" for the umpteenth time. The decency trumps the politics.


Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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