I think your takes are microeconomic in a macroeconomic world.
1. Everyone should have gotten fully vaccinated and boosted, not to protect themselves, but to protect others. Vaccinated people are, on average, less contagious than non-vaccinated people. Whether you in fact get infected, or, being young and healthy, get infected but suffer no ill effects, you are failing to "do your bit" in a war against an invader. I am fully vaccinated and boosted, and I now have Covid, apparently in the way most vaccinated boosted people get it. But for the entire time until now, I have not been infected, and I have, therefore, probably not infected anyone. It's a numbers game, not an anecdote game.
2. Two wrongs don't make a right. You don't get to say "I refuse to get vaccinated because fat people aren't being told to get thin." That's not hypocritical, but it sure as hell is a non sequitur.
3. I am against cancel culture, but not against owners of private platforms not allowing their product to be used to rouse the rabble. Fox News is responsible for January 6, but so is every retweet of every bullshit bit of election denialism. These platforms are commercial entities. If you think someone you want to hear is being deplatformed, complain, or use another service. The owners of platforms have an ethical duty not to sell the bad guys the rope they use to hang us. Fox News failed that test, putting viewership above country. There is no reason Twitter et al. should do likewise.
4. Athletic competitions are divided by sex to attract participants and fans, not so that everyone who wants to be an athlete can be an athlete. I'm too short and clumsy to play in the NBA, and Lia Thomas has too many male traits to compete as a woman. Life goes on.
Pronouns are one of the great efficiencies of language. Politicizing them is a mistake, because it makes them inconvenient to use, which is their reason to exist in the first place. "My pronouns are..." is micro; "I'll refer to you in the third person in the most convenient way for me and my audience" is macro.
5. Ms. Thunberg is not on my radar.