I would call myself a Democratic Socialist. My sister, on the other hand... calls herself a “conservative Republican.”
Why is only one of those labels in scare quotes? (See my "bio.")
Mr. Egelkrout's take on religion is simplistic and bigoted. Jews pray in Hebrew, and not because it's spoken in Israel. Making the same noises is a rite that reminds people that they have something in common. The less semantic content the better.
Mr. Egelkrout suffers from leftish confirmation bias, according to which everything anyone right of him thinks is not only wrong but ridiculously so. Sometimes, people are just wrong, and sometimes, their wrongness needs to be understood, not mocked. (Mr. Egelkrout says that he respects the religious views of others. His description of his sister's Catholicism says otherwise. Again, see my bio.)
Best I can make out, the author's sister is a fool. He is free to love her and try to disabuse her of her foolishness, or he can tell us why he's not doing so, as if we care.