Oct 6, 2022

If a foundation is fragile, everything supported by that notion falls through.

Garbage in, garbage out, but at least that assumes there's a machine. POMO seems to deny existence of the machine.

Also, I don't think one can avoid structured thinking. Deconstruction is a structure. Otherwise, one thought in it wouldn't lead to another. The POMOs seem to have deduced that texts have no meaning. Doesn't that deduction require premises, anchor beliefs, so to speak? And, because I think the POMO inference about texts is clearly false, I infer that the premises on which it is based are false. (As I said, these people are intelligent; their logic is fine, but their premises are not.)

You have not offered a counterargument to my claim about oppression. I'd be interested to hear it.


Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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