If you search my other comments, you will find that I usually refer to authors, including those I don't like or agree with, by their preferred honorifics. I made an exception in your case for rhetorical effect. If I had used "Becky" or "Karen," would you have thought I was taking liberties with your name?
This is the Internet. I don't know that your real name is Constance, especially since you don't give your last name. I once saw a character in a parody piece named Constance X. It was a pun on her appetites. For all I know, your name is Fred and Constance M is your SJW nom de guerre.
But you've found a pretty good diversion from my claim that you are advising ethnic minorities to put "I dare you to discriminate against me" signs between themselves and their families' bread money. If you can't engage with the idea, the least you can do is attack the messenger.