In 1948, 96% of voters supported Harry S. Truman. In 1960, 77% percent of voters chose John F. Kennedy, and in 1964, 84% of voters supported Lyndon Johnson. The county also voted for Hubert Humphrey by a plurality in 1968, with 49% supporting Humphrey while 32% percent voted for George Wallace...
Kennedy was a Catholic, which probably mattered to these voters, and Johnson was a Texan. The 1964 Civil Rights Act had been signed by November , 1964, but the folks out there in the boonies had not yet been told by racist pols what it would do to them. By 1968, however, LBJ's voters had moved to George Wallace, and the handwriting was on the wall.
These voters are Hillary's deplorables. Of course, they are not really deplorable. These people would run into a burning building to save your dog. But being white is pretty much all they have going for them. Take that away, and they have nothing.
If their fears make them "deplorable," then so be it. All I'm saying is that from their vantage point, the purpose of the Democratic Party since 1964 has been to diminish the advantages of being white in America. That's threatening enough to make them ignore Trump's awfulness. I mean, no one's perfect, right?