1 min readApr 13, 2019


In some ways, bringing a “nuclear option” to the area of judicial appointees was actually something started by Democrats.

That this fact is noteworthy pretty much explains the sorry state of our politics. No one seems to care whether what they do is right, only whether the wrong thing they do has also been done by their opponent. So long as they are not relatively immoral or unethical, or let’s be frank, shameful or deplorable, they are ok with themselves.

Reid had to use the nuclear option because McConnell, the most damaging person to hold important office in our lifetimes, not excepting the loathsome President, filibustered qualified judges. That’s subversion, folks, pure and simple. Reid responded by taking that tool away, over McConnell’s feigned principled objection.

But when McConnell got control of the Senate, what became of those principles? What became of that great institutionalist? Nothing became of them, because they never existed. If McConnell cared at all about the Constitution, he would not have filibustered Obama’s judges in the first place. He’s a fraud, an awful, awful man for whom even a special place in Hell would be too good.

So spare us about how Harry Reid “started it.” Not only did Reid have good reason, but even if he didn’t, only a bad person hides behind bad precedent.




Written by Remarkl

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