1 min readJun 29, 2020


" It is not our responsibility to educate you. "

Then why did you write this article? If Black people are too aggrieved to educate White people, how important can educating White people be to them?

"White fragility" is code for "If you deny your racism, you are a racist." But if a question only has one answer, it isn't a question; it's a shibboleth. (It's no wonder the word "Kafkatrap" has such currency these days.)

Black lives matter. But the organization called "Black Lives Matter" is just recycled Bolshevik-Like Marxists. Replace "fascism" with "racism," "bourgeoisie" with "White people," "workers" with "BIPOC" and crank up the volume. Same bad ideas, same misunderstanding of human nature, same vulnerability to hijacking, same totalitarian nonsense.

It doesn't help that there really is a racist fascist in the White House, put there by racists and those who don't assign the problem of racism the priority it deserves. We could not have set ourselves up better for a Bolshevik movement, but that does not mean America will be a better place for anyone when the smoke clears.

Mensheviks end up dead. The Black Freighter is coming to the land of Strange Fruit. It will not be pretty. White people may deserve what they get, but I do not believe they will see it as "their responsibility" to go gently into that Stalinist night.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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