It must be fun to believe that this elitist bullshit actually matters in the scheme of things. The vast majority of human females are looking for a provider/protector, and the vast majority of human males are looking for a genetically reliable (aka beautiful) nurturer to make a home for him and his children. The rest throw around their identity theory speculations as if there were some fundamental change worth making.
We have probably already lost, from a Darwinian perspective, too much of the selective resilience that gender specialization provides. People can feel that mothers leaving their children to compete economically with other mothers who do the same makes no sense. The mothers feel it, and the fathers feel it. They just can’t say it, because despecialization is one of those bad ideas whose time has come, and the best any of us can do is hunker down and wait for the fever to break.
Maybe the robots will put enough pressure on the job market to return us to a one household, one job business model. After all, it was the shortage of white workers in the 1970's that made feminism tolerable to white men. We far preferred the women we loved over the mud people we hated as colleagues and competitors. The irony of women using the oppression of blacks as a model for their own liberation is too delicious to pass up. Modern (i.e., post-Jim Crow) feminism is the Great White Hope.
But sure. Argue that high heels are a sign of oppression and that switching to brogues would be surrender to misogyny. The only way to make the crippled hand and the healthy hand the same is to cripple the healthy hand. Otherwise, you’re engaged in able-ism, or some other dreaded thought-crime that so many people are losing sleep over.
Step back, listen to yourself, and then get a real job curing cancer or saving the environment or unseating the GOP, all problems in far greater need of attention than this marginal nonsense.