It's been said that our weaknesses are often just our strengths taken to excess, and that appears to be the argument against power made here. But to forgo a strength for fear it will be taken to excess is to surrender to fecklessness. Some people, especially some (many? most?) Black Americans, cannot afford colorblindness, whatever the risks.
But it's a complex issue. So, for example, it will be a good thing that there is a Black woman on the Supreme Court, but, it is a bad thing that the only liberals on the Court will be women, none of them a White Christian. In my non-color-blind view, Justice Breyer should have been replaced by a White Christian man. Not a color-blind choice, but one that would give the general population more confidence rather than less. If Pres. Biden gets another pick, then Judge Jackson would be the right call. That's the world we live in.