It's easy to say that the ERA would undo Dobbs, but I don't see anything in the amendment that would do so. Only one sex can carry the baby, so there is simply no way to treat the sexes equally as regards the issue. Maybe the ERA would give the FATHER equal rights with the mother over the gestation of HIS sperm.
OTOH, the ERA would make an all-male military draft unconstitutional. Whatever we think now about how a military should be raised and organized, do we really want a CONSTITUTIONAL requirement for how we fight our wars?
A womb is a terrible thing to waste. If a woman wants to waste it or risk it in battle, a case can be made that she should be allowed to do so, but I see no basis for saying she must do so if we are to raise an army in a crisis.
The ERA is good polemics and bad policy. R.I.P.