Nov 12, 2020


Kasich is a conservative. It makes sense that lefties would oppose him, and for leftists, the political is the personal. I doubt there's a leftist on Medium who can name one public conservative who is a decent human being. The argument against Kasich's analysis is ad hominem and, therefore, unpersuasive at best.

We are being asked to believe that Kasich is wrong about Trump voters' fear of the left because Kasich played "whatabout?" with HRC on Flint. That's simply one non-sequitur in response to another. The left spent the summer and fall explaining how "Defund the Police" isn't about defunding the police and why "All lives matter" is a scurrilous sentiment. To the simple folk that leftists claim to care so much about, the only way "All lives matter" can be wrong is if some lives - THEIR lives - don't matter. If only the anti-racists had the wit to adopt "ALL LIVES MATTER" as THEIR slogan, the right would have been checkmated. Instead, they FEEL attacked.

Kasich may not know how the Dems can win elections, but he does know how they lose them. Identity politics cost HRC the White House, and BLM and Defund the Police brought the Yahoos out for Trump this time. Were the Yahoos over-reacting? Sure. That's what American voters do. Politicians like Kasich know that.

If we are lucky, and the fascist fever has broken, Dems should study Kasich and listen to him. It's not necessary to embrace him to learn from him. He's not a "moderate." He's a never-Trump conservative. Thank him for his advice, declare him an opponent, and move on.




Written by Remarkl

Self-description is not privileged.

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