L'affaire Whoopi is certainly a case of the professionally aggrieved keeping the pot boiling. But the arguments here don't really address what Whoopi got wrong. No one is contesting her claim that the Holocaust was an example of man's inhumanity to man. They are contesting her claim that the Holocaust was "not about race."
Was it "about race"? I say "yes," but not because Jews are or are not a "race." I say "yes" because Hitler thought that Aryans were a race, of which Jews and the others he killed or hated - think Jesse Owens - were not members. So the Holocaust was entirely "about race."
I understand Whoopi's notion that people killing each other in the front of the bus is not "about race" from the perspective of a Black woman in the back of the bus. That's where she went wrong, and that's what she apologized for, although I'm not sure I can identify a single human being who was hurt by her remarks, inaccurate as they may have been.
[I was recently challenged for capitalizing "White" and "Black." I think it's a good thing to do, but the commenter thought it was "performative." My practice now in comments is to do what the author of the article does.]