Mitch McConnell will go down as one of the most consequential politicians in US History. ("Down" is the operative word.) His real hypocrisy does not lie in the Scalia/Ginsberg "inconsistency." Everyone knows he's a lying sack of shit, so there really isn't any point to be made about how his lies contradict each other. The real hypocrisy was in his reaction to Harry Reid's removing the filibuster for lower court judgeships.
If getting rid of the filibuster were a bad idea, as McConnell claimed, and McConnell were a decent human being, his first action as Majority Leader would have been to restore the filibuster for judges on the condition that Democrats not abuse the privilege as he had abused it when he was Minority Leader. The opportunity to restore "regular order" and "comity" to the Senate were open to him, if he were actually not the waste of skin that he is.
The Democrats will regret removing the filibuster. It's not really a partisan issue, because you can bet that, if the GOP gets the Senate again, it will not restore the filibuster. McConnell wounded the device, perhaps mortally. It will be missed as we careen from left to right without its requirement that at least some changes have bi-partisan support.
We may be moving toward a de facto parliamentary system where one party holds the White House and both houses, and majority votes decide all matters. That sort of system gets things done. Trouble is, not all things that get done should BE done…