My question to that was: How can we import or emulate the benefits of credit-based systems on to the current blockchain systems?
But that's backwards. The question is how we use crypto techniques to improve trust-based banking. Check out what Customers Bank is doing with blockchain. Crypto creates better payment systems, not better money.
You have answered your own question when you say crypto is different because it is not based on creditworthiness and then ask how the benefits of a credit-based system can be grafted on to it. Grafting creditworthiness onto crypto would make it lose the thing you say makes it different. But what makes it different is what makes it inferior.
There is nothing new about crypto in terms of monetary technology. It is just another, inferior (to credit risk), way of proving scarcity. You are asking how to polish a turd, and I am telling you it can't be done. You may not like that answer, but that's not really relevant to whether it's true.