No. But that's on you. You own the inference that the $1,400 broke a promise. But Biden advocated $2k BEFORE the $600, and even Trump complained that the $600 should have been $2k, obviously because he wanted to match Biden's bid. There is simply no there there, and you imply that there is.
There are zillions of articles on Medium. Unless one flips the bozo bit at the first disqualifyingly stupid or meaningless line, one wastes precious time. I search "Rittenhouse" articles for the phrase "state line." When I find it, I hit "Mute this author" and move on. You imply that the $1400 broke a campaign promise, and you can't fix that by admitting in the next two sentences that the charge in the first sentence is bullshit. It's still bullshit, and you are still muted.