Ohio is a great example of the rule that pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. A state constitution should be a bulwark against tyranny of the majority and it SHOULD take 60% of the people to change it. But if the legislature has been corrupted by gerrymandering, the Constitution becomes the last refuge of the majority.
Since Dobbs, several notable state-wide elections have gone against the Republicans. That's because so many state legislatures do not represent the will of the state's voters, and every state-wide election is an opportunity for the majority to say so.
It is unfortunate the Democrats gerrymander, too, because in so doing they deprive their party of the issue as a way to win Republican-gerrymandered purple states. Independents in those states should be urged to vote Democratic just to send a message to the gerrymanderers.
Finally, anyone who still calls the Republican Party the "GOP" is missing an opportunity. There is nothing grand or old or about the Republicans, and, indeed, it's not really even a party. So let's stop "misleading" readers by suggesting it is any of those things.