One word captures all that saintliness? Wow. And you wonder that people deride those who claim the label? Is there a merit badge? Can I call myself "woke" if I only exhibit, say, 80% of these virtues? Is that possible?
Words don't have "meanings"; they have uses. By convention, some words communicate clearly. We reify the usage as "definition," and the descriptive becomes prescriptive, because that's what conventions do. Others don't communicate clearly. "Woke" is such a word. It gets claimed and ridiculed for the same reason; its borders aren't clear enough for it to be anything but a claimed or charged characteristic.
Are we expected to tolerate hateful speakers or give them a platform to incite hate and violence?
What do you mean by "tolerate" or "give"? Do you mean "allow"? Do you mean "not suppress violently"? Shout down? What does "wokeness" demand one do about what one considers hate speech? Am I woke if I won't go as far as you? The word is an empty semantic bucket. You are trying to fill it, but the bottom leaks. There is no there there. Makes one wonder why anyone would insist on wearing the badge.