"Perhaps language reform can only go so far. "
The law of diminishing returns has come for the feminists. The 80% that takes 20% has been done. It's a slog from here.
One consequence of this dynamic is the brewing fuss over "White feminism," a recognition that the advancement of White women has come at the expense of Black PEOPLE, including women, of course, but also men. We are in a season of racial rather than gender consciousness raising, and, in part because feminism has been reduced to such perceived trivia as language reform, Black women are asserting their blackness over their femaleness as their most politically important identifier.
The buzz-word is "intersectionality," but the reality is a two-front war, and things are going well enough on the gender side to permit - read, demand - attention to be focused on the racial front. White feminists piggy-backed on "civil rights," and it was good while it lasted, but anyone who thinks de-sexing generic language is more important than ending systemic racism is not an ally of the Black community.
Political action is always about opportunity cost. The question is not how hard you will have to work to get what you want, but what you won't get because you were occupied doing that work.