Plenty of people have noted that feminism has taken a turn. Before, it was about giving women equal rights, allowing them an education, a way into the work force, etc. etc.
Now, it’s about forcing them into post-secondary, forcing them into the work force, and limiting their rights to what other women want.
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth
[Of course it did; that's how effin' gravity works.]
Anyone who did not see that "Second Wave" feminism would change norms rather than end them was a fool. A two-earner family can outbid a one-earner family for a decent house. (Not for a mansion; the man with the great support team at home owns that one.) So, for most people, simple economics drives the norm.
I do remember one lawyer's wife back in the seventies responding to "What are you working on?" with "My backhand." (It was a cool answer, but she was also working on the family's investment portfolio, so there's that.) But she was an outlier even then. Today, more than half of law and med students are women. No norms there, right?
Many men actually feel liberated by not being expected to be the sole breadwinner. It's a daunting responsibility, like meeting a payroll, and men need to be socialized while young to think it is their duty.. But feminism has pretty much put duty in the dustbin, and boys are now raised to think about who pays for dinner rather than how to pay for dinner. It's made us less competitive as a society, because specialization - e.g., the man in the mansion whose wife is tending to everything else -wins, and homogenization loses.
In good times, competitiveness seems unduly taxing. But in bad times, despecialization proves unduly fatal. What's a girl to do?