Thanks for your concern. I think it's the prostate cancer, but it could be the beta blocker I take for hypertension and a-fib. I'm not sure how you became aware of the problem, but it's always good to know that one's fellow man understands one's difficulties.
Sadly, although my high blood pressure is surely the result of internet assholes wishing me ill, I cannot reduce it by getting them to behave better. There are too many of them, and there will always be some, no matter what I do. No, I have to take my meds, watch my diet, and get some exercise. Even then, the ED persists, which sucks, but that does not mean that getting the assholes to shape up is an option. Like Andy Dufresne and Red Redding (or Hamlet or Sisyphus), I must either get busy living or get busy dying.