Sixty or so years ago, Barry Goldwater said:
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
Woke culture sees itself as the absence of moderation in the pursuit of justice. How are we to ask people to be "moderate" about that? The answer is that their actions are counterproductive, that the issue isn't "moderation" but tactics. By being so effin' annoying, woke people set back their campaign.
Woke-ism ignores the cost-benefit calculus of being constantly on guard against microaggressions, either as perpetrator or victim. That effort is, literally, taxing; it makes it harder to do anything that should command our full attention, i.e., anything really important.
Woke-ism simply imposes too much overhead on everyday life. I'm old enough to remember the Phil Donahue show. One of the guilty pleasures of that show for me was watching the poor guy struggling to string together a sentence without offending anyone. (Yes, "woke" is a new name for a PC style that's at least fifty years old.) To this day, my wife and I look for "alternative" or "non-traditional" parking spots when the lot is full.
We are not cultural conservatives, but we know performative silliness when we hear it. If you're non-binary, sure, tell us your preferred pronouns. Maybe we'll remember them and use them, especially in your presence. But if you are what you appear to be, trust that we'll get the pronouns right without having to devote time and attention to reading, hearing, absorbing, and/or cataloguing the defaults that we already use. That's not "moderation." That's just not being a bozo.