So much "analysis" is stifled by its own pejoratives. Do the Yankees hate the Dodgers? Are they "Anti-Californian"? The Yanks sure as hell tried to prevent the Bums' ascendance. But we don't use bad words to make their competitive posture evil.
White people and men are losing status. As your subtitle's word choice demonstrates, the Democrats consider White people and men scum, deserving of comeuppance. You can call the natural reaction of voting against that comeuppance "racism" and "misogyny," but it's just ordinary people voting their chromosomes.
Someday, we will have intermarried our way out of "racism." The gender thing is harder, because most Americans benefit from gender roles - the many counterexamples notwithstanding, so save your breath. Most women would prefer to care for their own children. That may not include your average female neurosurgeon, but it does include that woman that the guys make hold up the Slow/Stop sign at the road construction site. Which do you think there are more of?
In this election, electoral egalitarianism hit a wall. The hard question is what happens next - democratic inequality or totalitarian (aka Soviet) equality. This won't be pretty.