Thank you for your Service, Joe -Part II

Plat du jour: Word salad with snake-oil dressing

4 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Last September, I wrote that Joe Biden would have to run for President this year because Jim Clyburn had saddled him with a Veep who is not an heir apparent. The same identity politics that cost Hillary the election and won Biden the nomination would force him to seek a second term. I thought then that Mr. Biden was too old to serve four more years, but I also believed that he could win the election and that, if he did, we would, as they say, “be all right.”

A mere five months later I was calling for Joe to step aside. His debate performance has confirmed that view. I am not just worried that he won’t win the election. I am also worried that that the Joe Biden we saw on June 27, 2024 should not be President of the United States. We can and must do better.

Some pundits and polls suggest that Biden didn’t actually lose the debate, in the sense that it won’t cost him the election. Trump was, indeed, awful in his own way. But that’s beside the point. The Joe Biden of 2024 has a patriotic duty not to run for President.

There is a season to every purpose under heaven…

Until the debate, the president’s facile, bar-lowering slogan had been “Don’t compare me to the almighty; compare me to the…

